section/mind/00-preface section/mind/00-preface

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Hello and welcome to Beginner’s Mind, a podcast / audio book / blog series about meditation and philosophy!

If you’re curious about the inner workings of the human mind—your mind—, or if you’ve ever toyed with the idea of starting to meditate but aren’t really sure if it’s something “for you,” or if you’re just interested in the nature of consciousness and in what ancient philosophers and modern scientists have to say about that, then you’ve arrived in the right spot!

In the first couple of episodes, I’ll gradually introduce you to the practice of insight meditation. You’ll learn what that is, why people bother with that in the first place, and what it might hold for you if you chose to give it a serious try. Together, we’ll experiment with different variations of the basic technique, so you can get a feeling for which style is most helpful for you personally. We’ll always try to connect some historical and philosophical background with the actual, applied practice, as well as with the latest available research that we can dig up.

Furthermore, we’ll explore some deep questions about the nature of consciousness and the human mind, what we can learn about them from own first-person experience, how that connects with ancient philosophy, and most importantly, how these things can help us lead a more fulfilled, contempt, and—hopefully—satisfied life.